We believe that sales and marketing should be about market penetration, not volume. By using precision company data and purpose-built LLMs, we’re enabling businesses to identify their TAM as a complete list of all Target Accounts.
My close friend owns a commercial fishing boat. The stories he tells are incredible, from catching WWII mines to carelessly discarded ammunition by the NAVY in the 60s. But that’s another post altogether. What caught my attention more was how their strategies are very much the same as most sales and marketing do nowadays.
Broad industry category plus titles, maybe employee counts, and the fishing expedition starts: email and social outreach. Then load keywords, buy ads, publish online, and hope for inbound. Casting wide nets and seeing if it works. If not, change it, and do it over. Inefficient? Rhetorical question.
AI hasn’t solved the fishing problem yet. It’s the same as it was 60 years ago for the most part. Better nets, GPS, and a few other small things, but nothing groundbreaking. Now imagine if every fish in the ocean would radio back to your boat its weight, location, and kind? You could quickly build a strategy for getting the most out of each trawl.
This is the change that we are pursuing for modern sales and marketing organizations: let AI identify your client personas from your existing customer list and then define the full Total Addressable Market (TAM) as an Account List for each persona, every single company that fits. All of a sudden, you don’t have a need to go on fishing expeditions from the last century.
Instead, work the list and nobody else outside of it. No more spamming tens of thousands with cold emails or showing your ads to unrelated people. No more MQLs or other questionable metrics.
Start measuring your marketing and sales performance as market penetration. What percent of the market is yours? Who are the top next 100 to go after? We have built the tech and precision company data to make this happen, no gaps, no false positives.
With your TAM defined, it is easy to layer in other signals: personal connections or introductions, hiring signals, related LinkedIn posts, people in your network, influencers who can get you to your targets, and events where you can meet them. This becomes a methodical operation instead of the random trawling of an endless ocean.
This is the core problem we’re solving at DiscoLike We believe that sales and marketing should be about market penetration, not volume. By using precision company data and purpose-built LLMs, we’re enabling businesses to identify their TAM as a complete list of all Target Accounts.
My close friend owns a commercial fishing boat. The stories he tells are incredible, from catching WWII mines to carelessly discarded ammunition by the NAVY in the 60s. But that’s another post altogether. What caught my attention more was how their strategies are very much the same as most sales and marketing do nowadays.
Broad industry category plus titles, maybe employee counts, and the fishing expedition starts: email and social outreach. Then load keywords, buy ads, publish online, and hope for inbound. Casting wide nets and seeing if it works. If not, change it, and do it over. Inefficient? Rhetorical question.
AI hasn’t solved the fishing problem yet. It’s the same as it was 60 years ago for the most part. Better nets, GPS, and a few other small things, but nothing groundbreaking. Now imagine if every fish in the ocean would radio back to your boat its weight, location, and kind? You could quickly build a strategy for getting the most out of each trawl.
This is the change that we are pursuing for modern sales and marketing organizations: let AI identify your client personas from your existing customer list and then define the full Total Addressable Market (TAM) as an Account List for each persona, every single company that fits. All of a sudden, you don’t have a need to go on fishing expeditions from the last century.
Instead, work the list and nobody else outside of it. No more spamming tens of thousands with cold emails or showing your ads to unrelated people. No more MQLs or other questionable metrics.
Start measuring your marketing and sales performance as market penetration. What percent of the market is yours? Who are the top next 100 to go after? We have built the tech and precision company data to make this happen, no gaps, no false positives.
With your TAM defined, it is easy to layer in other signals: personal connections or introductions, hiring signals, related LinkedIn posts, people in your network, influencers who can get you to your targets, and events where you can meet them. This becomes a methodical operation instead of the random trawling of an endless ocean.
This is the core problem we’re solving at DiscoLike We believe that sales and marketing should be about market penetration, not volume. By using precision company data and purpose-built LLMs, we’re enabling businesses to identify their TAM as a complete list of all Target Accounts.