Business Site Data: Text, Search and Directory

Step up your product’s capabilities with a modern company data platform

We identify all business sites and their subsidiaries, extract text from key pages, and build the largest company LLM embeddings database on the market. Our prospects repeatedly test us at 98.5% accuracy and 98% coverage. Leverage our data with our natural language search and segmentation technology.

Global Business Domain Directory

The company directory is a foundational part of many products. Ours begins with SSL certificates, ensuring unmatched accuracy and coverage, with no dead, obsolete, or parked domains. Non-English sites are translated first, allowing for truly global coverage. The same certificates provide us with additional exclusive data points: accurate company start dates, business size, and growth patterns, including private and international companies.

Site Text

The shift towards higher quality and more relevant business site content is driven by AI’s ability to analyze large datasets and understand context. Company websites have now become a valuable source of business information, no longer locked into sales presentations. We offer cleanly extracted site text and links, updated monthly and translated if needed. Don’t waste time on incomplete and often dated public crawls or hard-to-scale web scraping tools.

Search by Lookalike Domain or Natural Language

Identifying the perfect account fit has always been a challenge. Traditional keyword and industry-based searches often lack precision and relevance. Our platform allows you to discover target accounts by simultaneously searching with natural language, sample client domains, and even exact site words. Our business domain directory and site text work together to power our search. And don’t miss results in any of 42 supported languages, all while searching in English.

Business Domains Segmentation

If you’ve read this far, you’re clearly enjoying reading about what we’re doing. As a small reward for sticking with us: our Segmentation technology is a hidden gem. It takes a list of business domains and groups them by similarity, including labeling them. This task has been challenging for many, but our platform delivers human-like accurate results at a scale beyond human capability. Pair it with our Discovery functionality to predict prospects that are most likely to convert based on customers’ existing closed/lost lists.

Domain Linkage

Companies don’t exist in a vacuum, which is why we’ve paid special attention to linkages. You won’t find this data anywhere else. While we can’t connect every domain, you’ll be surprised at how many we do. Subsidiaries, acquisitions, branding efforts—we link all these to the parent domain. We also connect them through shared social URLs, public emails, or phone numbers. And we haven’t forgotten about vendors; we can identify those that white-label their implementation or are in use on a company’s website.

Our platform foundation is built on vast amounts of data.

It’s a large and growing dataset of over 11 billion certificate issuance events, 300 million unique domains, 4 billion domain to parent domain links, and over 2 petabytes of website pages’ text per year.

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